日時 2023年1月19日
Ananya Jahanara Kabir先生(King’s College London)を迎え、‘Singing beyond the (South Asian) nation-state:
Unspeakable Attachments and their Narrative Forms’と題し報告いただいた。
If in Homi Bhabha’s succinct formulation, nation is tied to narration, who, asked Judith Butler and Gayatri Spivak in a memorable dialogue, sings the nation-state? What both sets of approaches share is a reliance on the nation-state as aspirational framework. Dialoguing with these now-standard paradigms, my talk explores how narrative space is made for what I call unspeakable attachments: unspeakable because they run against the grain of a certain ‘standard model’ of postcolonial collective belonging in South Asia. Family histories of mobility constantly interrupt the teleologies, cartographies, and pedagogies through which the State coaxes our hearts and minds to love the nation. How are standard protocols of the novel form rewritten to accommodate the conflicting range of emotions produced thereby? In formulating the question and proposing some answers, I turn to my work on Partition’s affective impact on intellectuals as postcolonial nation-builders, on embodied joy and performative memory as forms of resistance, as well as my new investigations into ‘Creole Indias’. In the process, I also draw some lines of continuity between my past and present research interests.研究会第1回ヒンディー文学研究会
- 日時
- 2022年8月29、30日
石田英明(大東文化大学)を講師に迎え、नागार्जुन 作 पारोを購読した。
国際学会The 14th International Conference on Early Modern Literatures of North India (ICEMLNI)(共催)
- 日時
- 2022年7月15~19日
拠点メンバーの長崎広子が国際学会(The 14th International Conference on Early Modern Literatures of North India (ICEMLNI))を主催した。拠点メンバーの長崎広子と北田信を含む37名が研究発表した。コロナ禍での入国制限が残るのか、各国から90名以上が対面とオンラインで参加し、活発な議論が連日繰り広げられた。